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About Mitchell

Dedicated To Excellence.

When I was in a boy's missions group from first grade to senior year in high school, I would say a pledge professing, "As a Royal Ambassador, I will always do my best..." That simple phrase became my life mantra, and I try to live it out to this day.

Book Published

0 yrs

English Teach & Coach

0 yrs


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Books And Short Stories

Take a quick look at my most recent novels.

The Pact


The Dragon's Pawn


The Treasure of L'lor Rac Siwel


Canaanshade Resurrection



It was the spring of 1983, my sophomore year at Southern Illinois University, and I had a short story assignment hanging over my head. In those days, you had to type (yes…type on a typewriter) the story using mimeograph paper. For those under the age of fifty, a mimeograph was a heavy piece of paper with thick blue impressionable ink on the back side of the top sheet.So, everything you typed, copied through the mimeograph paper. If you made a mistake, you had to scrape it off with a razor blade and put a replacement sheet of blue paper under the mistake and type it correctly.It was a long and arduous job. I had to have the master sheets of my story to the English office at eight the next morning so they could run the copies (print them in faded blue ink) for the class. 


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